Heinzelcheesetalk #111: Auvergne zum zweiten und britische Territorials. Freitag, 12. Juli 2024. Markthalle Neun.

Der letzte Frankreichtrip nach Gaillac und in die Auvergne war einfach zu ergiebig gewesen, meine Kühltasche mit Käse viel zu gut gefüllt, um das alles mit Euch in einem einzigen Heinzelcheesetalk aufzuarbeiten. Deshalb, nachdem wir uns bei letzten Treffen vor allem mit St Nectaire und der Vielfalt an Blauschimmelkäsen beschäftigt hatten, waren jetzt Cantal und Salers an der Reihe. Und weil ich in der Zwischenzeit kurz in England war und es dort eine lange Tradition für entfernt ähnliche Käse gibt, die sogenannten „Territorials“ (wie zum Beispiel Wensleydale und Caerphilly), hatte ich ein paar davon zum Vergleich mitgebracht… » Weiterlesen…

The cheese of the month for November 2021 is: Emmental from Switzerland

Emmental? Isn’t that that pale more-holes-than-boring-plasticky stuff, really cheap and often leaving a burning feeling on your tongue? Yeah, sure – rare is the success story which does not end in tears due to commercial cannibalisation, sadly. But fortunately, almost as often, eventually, it also leads to a return to the origins, the actual reason for its success. Therefore I offer you: Emmental. With that gorgeous, discreet aroma, that hint of sweetness and walnuts, pleasantly mellow, but not dry at all… » Weiterlesen…

Sake meets cheese in April 2021: Harushika Tokimeki and Young Buck from Northern Ireland

The category of sparkling sake is still a young one, and possibly that’s the reason it is more popular abroad than in Japan. However there is a traditional context to it. » Weiterlesen…

The cheese of the month for April 2021 is: Westcombe Cheddar from Somerset/UK

And suddenly it’s the Easter weekend, and April again, and again – still! – sooo much uncertainty ahead of us. Which is why we need at least a sturdy cheese, one that provides that friendly nudge, tells you to keep swimming and smiling, slaps his arm around your sagging shoulders, and gives you a push, like a fresh gust of April tailwind on your morning run. Sturdy means: reliable, unfussy and yet not boring, just good – such as the Calver family’s Westcombe cheddar from the lush green pastures of Somerset, halfway from London to Cornwall.. » Weiterlesen…

The cheese of the month for March 2021 is: Chiriboga Blue from Ebersbach/Allgäu, Bavaria

Which country is top of the list for cheese producers by volume worldwide? Not Switzerland, not France and not Italy either, but the USA. Makes sense, seen its size. However, who is number two and ranks as number one for cheese exports worldwide? Germany! Which makes it utterly frustrating how difficult it is to find good German cheese abroad. » Weiterlesen…

The cheese of the month for September 2020 is: Mahón!

Anticipating your potential question or even complaint: no, chances are tiny that this cheese is available at your local super market, at least in the quality I am talking about. But hey, first, you’re used to that problem, second, last month’s Comté is super well distributed – and third: I assume you’re reading this blog because you’re interested in widening your cheese horizon! Therefore: Mahón. » Weiterlesen…

The cheese of the month for March 2020 is: Buurenkaas from Kaasboerderij Booij/Streefkerk, NL

Gouda is Gouda is Gouda – or isn’t it? No, of course it isn’t. And of course as a subscriber of this monthly series of cheese highlights you’re aware of that. But it might be a good idea to refresh your senses‘ memory about the real thing, and treat yourself to a mature, slowly ripened piece, like this gorgeously crumbly, complex 25 months old Buurenkaas (farmers‘ cheese) from Kaasboerderij Booij. » Weiterlesen…