HeinzelCheeseTalk no 8: Feeling oh so blue… Dec 19, 2014

A truly festive, pre-holiday HeinzelCheeseTalk, as blue as the summer sea around the Greek Cyclades, the Icelandic salt virgin, the jellyfish aquarium in Californian Monterey, the top of the Empire State Building in New York, and the icy Canadian landscape on the way to it… Oh, you ask if there was any cheese? Of course, dear friends, of course. And wine! » Weiterlesen…

HeinzelCheeseTalk no 7: Let’s Cheddar! Nov 28, 2014

Dearest and nearest friends in cheese – we have cheddared, we have cheddared intensely… Now we know that Cheddar isn’t only the supermarket stuff to put on sandwiches and melt on burgers. Or, at the other end of the wide spectrum, exclusive farmhouse cheese handcrafted in Somerset. » Weiterlesen…

HeinzelCheeseTalk no 6: Piemont! Oct 31, 2014

Life is hard: late October saw me traveling to Piemont in northern Italy. Think Barolo, Robiola, Nocciole… but hey, for you, my valued cheese friends, I’d do (almost) anything! One gloriously sunny day we were even up and down endless serpentines in the remoter parts of the region to get to the organic farm Amaltea. » Weiterlesen…

Butter, give me butter: HeinzelCheeseTalk no 5 – Sept 26, 2014

I knew it –  the HeinzelCheeseTalk crowd has evolved into an expert tasting group, and therefore it wasn’t even a risk to focus this meeting all on butter. Which is, after all, also a kind of cheese… and it turned out that no, I am not the only one who can nibble really good butter just like cheese, one small piece after another… » Weiterlesen…

Polish cheese and wine: HeinzelCheeseTalk no 4, 29.8.14 – a report

Regular readers of this blog-cum-website will have noticed that in HeinzelCheese land just as anywhere else, summer is traveling time. After Greece, Turkey and the Allgäu I recently went to Poland to find out about the food scene there. Finally! I mean, I grew up and live in Berlin, an hour from the Polish border! Cheese was of course very high on my list of things to research and I did indeed discover lots of good stuff. » Weiterlesen…