The cheese of the month for September 2022 is: Schafblues from Milchschafhof Pimpinelle, Quappendorf/Brandenburg

The Pimpinelle dairy sheep farm lies under the wide sky of the Oderbruch, directly on a large river bend of the old Oder. We live there with our animals. In addition to our flock of Krainer Stein sheep, there are our herding dogs Ebba and Mio and our farm cat Fiete.
This is how the Pimpinelles, as I call Amelie and Franziska Wetzlar because of the beautiful name of their farm, introduce themselves on their website. I have been following their development for a long time, full of admiration for their commitment, their determination, their enthusiasm – and all the hard work with which they have developed their originally rather dilapidated farm in Quappendorf into a real gem since the beginnings in 2010. » Weiterlesen…

The cheese of the month for July 2019 is: Pyrenäenkäse from Langenburger Schafkäserei

„The first wolf is already around! We just had to to start, otherwise it would have been too late.“ Indirectly this is the story of the Langenburger Schafkäserei’s latest creation, their Pyrenäenkäse or Pyrenees cheese. In contrast to some of his colleagues Norbert Fischer isn’t against the re-introduction of wolves in the wild on principle. „I’m happy to live with wolves“, he says, „I like the wilderness, I’d love to have much more of it.“ » Weiterlesen…

Cheese of the month November 2015: Évora from the Alentejo/Portugal

The wild and wide Alentejo in southern central Portugal is exactly what you need when November finally settles on our shores with its chilly darkness, and shelves begin to be invaded way too soon and aggressively by gingerbread and chocolate Santas. The small sheep cheeses from Évora evoke the light and the aromas of  the austere, sun drenched garrigue pastures roamed by the shepherds and their animals. » Weiterlesen…

Cheese of the month August 2015: Pyrénées Brebis from the Pays Basque and Béarn/F

The height of summer in Heinzelcheese country calls out for something on the cheese plate that transports me to lush mountain pastures, to the symphony of bells, little streams, the wind swishing, animals munching… That’s why this month’s cheese comes from the Pyrenees. Or, to be more exact, their French-Atlantic side which divides up into the Basque country (bordering the sea) and the Béarn (inland). » Weiterlesen…

Cheese of the month November 2014: Montébore from the Vallenostra/Piemont, Italy

Immediately after the Salone del Gusto, a week spent in and around Turin, a HeinzelCheeseTalk on Piemont AND the Cheese Berlin it’s almost impossible to settle on one single cheese of the month. There were so many great characters to discover! But this is the kind of luxury problem Heinzelcheese enjoys, and as you seemed to be pretty clear a few days ago on your favorite, the cheese of the month is… Montébore! » Weiterlesen…

Cheese of the month February 2014: Queijo de Ovelha Amanteigado Curado from Quinta da Serra da Gardunha/Portugal

I know, I’m writing a lot about Portugal these days. But life rarely flows in a quiet stream, balanced, temperate and calm. Rather, it’s leaping and jumping ahead. And that means that at the moment the wild country on the Atlantic coast looms large in my world. After my beautiful excursion to the Alentejo in the fall (about which more here) I was slightly mad with myself for returning without one of the onctuous sheeps‘ milk cheeses from the center of Portugal. » Weiterlesen…