The cheese of the month for May 2020 is: Domäne Fredeburg’s triple star of soft cheeses

It might be due to the constant of subliminal crisis-psycho-stress, it might be just coincidence, or simply a lack of proper Heinzelcheese planning: once again I entrust soft stuff to your big cheese-loving hearts and souls. And instead of one, there are three. Domäne Fredeburg’s Pirschbachbrie, Domänenländer and Domowoj are just so good, and cheeses of this kind and quality, in reliable quantity so rare in Germany. » Weiterlesen…

The cheese of the month for April 2020 is: Weißer Bollheimer from Haus Bollheim in Zülpich-Oberelvenich

Normally… yet another „normally“ due to the pandemic! Normally I had intended to offer you this little jewel after having paid a visit to the cows and their cheesemaker. But who knows when this might be, and as we are currently finding out how much is possible (or has to be made possible) virtually: to widen your cheese horizons, here is Weißer Bollheimer. Anyhow. Because life needs to go on. » Weiterlesen…

The cheese of the month in September 2019 is: Silberdistel from the Arango family, Chäs-Chuchi Gersbach/Black Forest

It was one of the most impressive encounters of those intense months: Chäschuchi Gersbach, the last stop on the Southwest leg of the research trips in early 2008 for my first book on cheese, Erlebnis Käse und Wein. Almost 13,000 kilometres, to visit more than 120 cheese producers all over Germany, amongst them Gersbach, a small, picturesque town in the southern part of the Black Forest. There were fresh, soft and semi-hard cheeses in all kinds of versions, quark and yogurt, and I liked all of it – but Silberdistel, that was… wow. Awesome. In a class of its own. » Weiterlesen…

Cheese of the month June 2013: Amour rouge from Käserei Zurwies, Allgäu

The Allgäu region down in the south of Germany, that means mountains and therefore mountain cheese, right? Well, not necessarily. Because not far from the pittoresque town of Wangen, Anton Holzinger together with his daughter Luise runs the state-of-the-art Zurwies dairy, where they produce almost exclusively soft cheese. » Weiterlesen…