The cheese of the month in September 2019 is: Silberdistel from the Arango family, Chäs-Chuchi Gersbach/Black Forest
It was one of the most impressive encounters of those intense months: Chäschuchi Gersbach, the last stop on the Southwest leg of the research trips in early 2008 for my first book on cheese, Erlebnis Käse und Wein. Almost 13,000 kilometres, to visit more than 120 cheese producers all over Germany, amongst them Gersbach, a small, picturesque town in the southern part of the Black Forest. There were fresh, soft and semi-hard cheeses in all kinds of versions, quark and yogurt, and I liked all of it – but Silberdistel, that was… wow. Awesome. In a class of its own. » Weiterlesen…