Wine and Art: WestTurmPavilion @ Teufelsberg Sept 6-8, 2013

The VDP members have been pouring their GGs at the National Gallery in Berlin. The location makes a lot of sense, because obviously great wine has a lot to do with art: it’s not essential for survival in the strictest sense of the word, but it is inspiring, a luxury, so to say, which keeps us alive in the spiritual realm. My contribution to this took place on the weekend, on the Teufelsberg.


At the art event WestTurmPavilion an international artist group met to fill the former spying station with new, positive life. My performance was about the smell of wine and the related associations and feelings – always underestimated, in spite of being so powerful  and immediate. Instead of spying on each other, we explored wine’s sensual side…

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