Cheese of the month May 2016: Blue Cornflower from Thise Mejeri, Roslev/DK

This a monthly series which I have been publishing for years. You can subscribe here, to get the latest cheese delivered directly on to your screen. 

The Blue Cornflower is my cheese of the month in May, this wonderful month between (finally!) winter and summer, with the sun shining from a blue sky, birds chirping happily, flowers flowering…

Because again and again, it achieves that small wonder to convince even declared blue cheese haters to look and taste beyond their perceived horizon.

Kornblume knife

Because it tastes so wonderfully (I know, second wonderful in this short text – I told you, it’s May), wonderfully ;-) buttery, but not cloyingly sweet or boring.

Kornblume Blume

Because its name fits perfectly (see above).

Because it’s so widely available.

Because it’s tasty proof of the fact that organic and good are indeed possible on a somewhat larger scale.

Because it’s a bright organic spot on the otherwise rather industrial horizon of agricultural Denmark (home of Arla).

Because the Danes celebrate an Økodag in mid April when they let the cows jump out on the pastures for the first time. And jump they do!

cows jumping

Because I simply love it (in case that wasn’t clear).

Folks, enjoy the cornflower blue spring.

This a monthly series which I have been publishing for years. You can subscribe here, to get the latest cheese delivered directly on to your screen. 

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