Käse-Orte: Fromagerie in Oslo/Norwegen

Ich war gerade eine Woche in Oslo und Mittelnorwegen. Zu meiner Schande muß ich gestehen, daß meine Erwartungen in Sachen Käse und Wein eher gering waren. Nun, ich bin auf positive Art enttäuscht worden – die Reise war auch kulinarisch grandios (ja, ich habe Wal gegessen, und er war köstlich!). » Weiterlesen…

Cheese places: Fromagerie in Oslo/Norway

I just spent a week in Oslo and central Norway. Shame on me, but to be honest, I didn’t expect that much in terms of cheese and wine. Well – I’ve been wonderfully „disappointed“ and the food was gorgeous (yes, I did eat whale, and it was delicious) on all levels. A lot of restaurants had very good wine lists including many German Rieslings (true, wine does come at a price with the Nordic Normans – but that’s better than no wine at all). Can you imagine my surprise and happiness when I discovered Eva Fricke’s Rheingau Riesling at the wonderful Røros Vertshuset?! So onto cheese: the trip (which I undertook courtesy of the generosity and organisational skills of a number of Norwegian tourist agencies – thanks to everybody!) » Weiterlesen…