The cheese of the month for July 2020 is: Lausitzer from Hof Schafgarbe in Ogrosen/Brandenburg
A small white wheel of a cheese, two fingers high. Rindless, with just a few dots on the surface, left from the moulds the curd drained in. There is nothing fancy about the Lausitzer, which also comes in a version with fresh ramps. Like feta cheese it matures in brine for up to a year, and the salt does dominate the taste in the first moment, until the rich flavour of the sheep’s milk takes over and balances it. I really like this unpretentious little thing: on a cheese board, on its own, but also with tomatoes and in any kind of salad (water melon!) and vegetable dishes. However, and just as important, its beauty also lies in being part of a whole: I equally enjoy buying meat and sausages from Hof Schafgarbe. » Weiterlesen…