More Weißburgunder, Serendipity – and Alpine Goat Cheese

Seems like I’m on a Weißburgunder/Pinot Blanc run. Perhaps it’s the moon, so full and bright and white right now… Last night the 2014 from Johannes Sinß played its charms on me and my faithful friend serendipity first guided my hand towards a piece of Robert Maul’s lively, sweet alpine goat cheese, then made me play Norwegian Kari’s beautiful songs with it.

Foto 1-1All three had great clarity and, in spite of all energy, a quiet strength. The Sinß vines root in sandy loam with some gravel in Windesheim on the Nahe, there is a hint of walnut shells, red stone fruit, a touch of wood, but overall: ripeness paired with freshness in the glass. The cheese is made in Wertach/Allgäu by the genius Robert Maul the Kaeskuche folks discovered and are bringing to Berlin and the world. It’s a little softer than a classic mountain cheese, it’s washed with whey and (therefore?!) has a beautiful acidity to balance its inherent sweetness. As if those two weren’t awesome enough (and fitting for an Easter Sunday night), Kari Bremnes sang of farewell and loss and love, carrying in her voice the whole soul of Norway… ’nough said – you get the idea. Find your own whiteness.

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