Do you read me – German cheese in Culture magazine

It’s always and still, in spite of all the blogging and the online stuff, a very special moment to see one’s article finally on the printed page – and if it’s on cheese, and on German cheese at that – hey, what a great day is that!?! So, here it is, a first peep at my piece on the new German cheese in Culture magazine.
2014-culture-0922092014_2 KopieThe layout is absolutely beautiful, thanks to food photographer Manuel Krug this end and the folks at Culture at the other – danke everybody! For those of you who live this (European) side of the big pond: I don’t think this (the only!) cheese quarterly is available outside the US other than by subscription (which it is well worth). But: we’ll have some copies (besides all kinds of other great stuff to read on milk and cheese) at the book stall at the StadtLandFood festival’s cheese workshop next week. It is expertly run by Andreas Klöckner from Goldhahn und Sampson, one of my very favorite food destinations in Berlin, and by itself reason enough to drop by. If you insist on another one: Sascha Rimkus, the „other“ Goldhahn und Sampson guy, is running a wine stall on our cheese market… cheesio and see you!

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