The cheese of the month for June 2022 is: two cave-aged cheeses from Thise Mejeri in Denmark
Just when I was pondering which cheese to offer you for next month, the wonderfully widely cast Heinzelcheese network came up with these two beauties: an Indian friend who lives in Copenhagen brought them as a surprise when we were having lunch together in London the other day – thanks Priya! – from a fantastic cheese shop that’s been entirely focussing on organic, Osten ved Kultorvet (ost means cheese in Danish). Both are from Thise Mejeri, equally fully committed to organic, of which I’ve long been a fan. Their buttercream-like Cornflower made its appearance on this blog years ago (back then with rather embarrassing pictures… we’ve come some way). And now two cave-aged Thise cheeses, apparently (long distance research isn’t always that easy) from two different gruber. » Weiterlesen…