The cheese of the month for March 2019 is: Mimolette from northern France

Mimolette might crumble and flake when being cut, but on the palate it is never dry or even dusty, instead seducing reliably with an almost juicy smoothness. As intense as its orange glow is its citrussy, nutty aroma. Also, and that’s why I offer it to you for these last cold days, aged Mimolette truly loves wine. » Weiterlesen…

Danish red wine – yes, seriously! And gorgeous stuff it is…

Heinzelcheese lost it, you might be tempted to think. Gorgeous red wine from Denmark? Come on… No, seriously. But – ah, you knew there was a „but“ coming, didn’t you. Alright: The 2012 Nielstrupmark from Frederiksdal isn’t made from grapes, but from cherries. » Weiterlesen…

I want to go to Cappadocia: 2012 Kaya Kapadokia from Kocabağ

Dedicated Heinzelcheese followers will have noticed that I’ve been into Turkish red wine since a year or so… Well, I’ll be completely honest with you: I fell in love with Öküzgözü, one of Turkey’s many indigenous varieties (for German readers: here is the full story from Effilee). And our little fling is still going strong. » Weiterlesen…