Cappadocia: hot air balloons, caves – and wine!

To be able to experience the past in a kind of time machine instead of just reading about it is for me one of the most exciting experiences ever. And ever since my first Turkey trip (I know, it took me an awfully long time to make it to the Bosporus), the close connection  with the historic beginnings of our civilization has been one of my main fascinations there. And yes, „experience“ does include wine, a serious advantage in the Heinzelcheese universe (it also includes cheese, but that’s a different story for another day). » Weiterlesen…

Kappadokien: Heißluftballons, Höhlen – und Wein!

Vergangenheit in einer Art Zeitmaschine tatsächlich erfahren zu können, statt nur darüber zu lesen, finde ich eines der spannendsten Erlebnisse überhaupt. Die immer noch sehr lebendigen Verbindungen zu den Anfängen unserer Kultur sind einer der Gründe, warum mich die Türkei so fasziniert (ich weiß, ich habe lange gebraucht, um endlich an den Bosporus zu kommen). Und ja, „erfahren“ schließt Wein schmecken mit ein (ein großer Pluspunkt aus Heinzelcheese-Sicht!). » Weiterlesen…

I want to go to Cappadocia: 2012 Kaya Kapadokia from Kocabağ

Dedicated Heinzelcheese followers will have noticed that I’ve been into Turkish red wine since a year or so… Well, I’ll be completely honest with you: I fell in love with Öküzgözü, one of Turkey’s many indigenous varieties (for German readers: here is the full story from Effilee). And our little fling is still going strong. » Weiterlesen…