Eating Germany VI: sweet, tiny Nordseekrabben aka brown shrimps

We call them crabs, but to be correct, these tiny pinkish brown creatures are shrimp, fished by specialized boats in the North Sea. As a kid, on the rare occasions my parents took my two younger brothers and me to a restaurant, I would invariably order a shrimp cocktail. » Weiterlesen…

Eating Germany IV: you say Advocaat, I say Eierlikör

What? Excuse me?  You think of Eierlikör aka Advocaat as strange gloopy stuff? Oh please, rethink. After all, mixologists presently revive all kinds of colorful sweet concoctions from Granny‘s and Auntie‘s drink cabinet. Eierlikör is actually a Dutch creation, but counts among the culinary peculiarities most Brits classify as ultra-German and utterly bewildering. » Weiterlesen…

Eating Germany I: German Bread – know your Brot from your Brötchen

On this tour around Eating Germany, let’s start with the basics. In Germany this inevitably means bready substances, Brot und Brötchen, bread and rolls. I do apologize for the totally exaggerated length of this entry, but that comes with the subject I’m afraid – the multitudinous variety of bread and rolls in Germany is legendary. » Weiterlesen…