Hooray – my latest book made it into Harvard!

Mothers are allowed to be proud of their offspring, and authors should be excused for jumping with joy when their books make their way in the world. Therefore I’m indulging in a little shouting here: Beyond Bratwurst, my book about the history of food in Germany (Reaktion, London) made it into HARVARD! Juchhu and hooray. A glass of Riesling to celebrate is certainly due tonight… » Weiterlesen…

Meet me and my book on Heritage Radio!

I’m thrilled and proud to report that Linda Pelaccio, the mind behind the Taste of the Past show on Heritage Radio did an interview with me and it’s on air! You can listen to us discussing my book Beyond Bratwurst and German food history now, anywhere, anytime – it’s just a click away. » Weiterlesen…