Lesung aus Beyond Bratwurst (auf deutsch!) bei Diderot in Berlin: 30. November 2015, 19h

Ursula Heinzelmann

Essensschreiberin – Köchin – Weinkennerin und Käseexpertin liest aus ihrem neuen Buch (auf Deutsch)

Beyond Bratwurst

A History of Food in Germany » Weiterlesen…

More Bratwurst honours: my History of Food in Germany is shortlisted for the Fortnum & Mason Food and Drinks Award and the Guild of Food Writers Award

I know, I know, it’s a little… well, let’s say, common, to blow your own trumpet. But hey – I am so proud of my little Bratwurst kid and how well it’s doing out there in the world. It is shortlisted for the prestigious Fortnum & Mason Food and Drinks Award as well as the Guild of Food Writers Award!!! » Weiterlesen…

More on Beyond Bratwurst: reviews in the Sunday Telegraph, LA Times, South Africa’s Mail & Guardian, and the TLS

Folks, I am more than a little proud of my Bratwurst kid. In February it made it into renowned British food writer Bee Wilson’s column „The Kitchen Thinker“ in the Sunday Telegraph, there was an extremely well written review in the Los Angeles Times by S. Irene Virbila, today Nikki Werner writes about it at length in South Africa’s Mail & Guardian – and then, the Times Literary Supplement! » Weiterlesen…

More great Bratwurst milestones: reviews in Petits Propos Culinaires, The Oldie and a Sunday Times Food Book of the Year

If this was a tweet, it would include the hashtag #veryhappyauthor: my Bratwurst book kid is indeed doing very well out there in the big wide world. In October the genial Tom Jaine included a very generous review in the latest issue of the classic Petits Propos Culinaires, November saw Elisabeth Luard writing about it in that charmingly British magazine The Oldie, complete with recipes and one of her lovely drawings. And then on the afternoon of the first Advent Sunday, my twitter account went a little viral when Diana Henry was letting the world know about it being amongst the Sunday Times Books of the Year. » Weiterlesen…

Hurra – mein neues Buch hat es nach Harvard geschafft!

Müttern ist der Stolz auf ihre Kinder gestattet, und Autorinnen dürfen Freudensprünge vollführen, wenn ihre Bücher da draußen in der weiten Welt gute Fortschritte machen. Deshalb sei mir ein bißchen Jubel nachgesehen: Beyond Bratwurst, meine Kulturgeschichte des Essens in Deutschland (erschienen bei Reaktion in London), hat es nach HARVARD geschafft! » Weiterlesen…

Hooray – my latest book made it into Harvard!

Mothers are allowed to be proud of their offspring, and authors should be excused for jumping with joy when their books make their way in the world. Therefore I’m indulging in a little shouting here: Beyond Bratwurst, my book about the history of food in Germany (Reaktion, London) made it into HARVARD! Juchhu and hooray. A glass of Riesling to celebrate is certainly due tonight… » Weiterlesen…

It’s been a party… was für eine Party – with you!

Was für eine Party… danke! An alle, die gekommen sind von nah und fern, mit mir gelacht, getrunken und gegessen und meine beiden Buch-Kids gefeiert haben. Eure Großzügigkeit war grenzenlos: wir haben Grandioses in den Gläsern gehabt, supergute Käse, Wurst, Räucherlachskrem und Rote-Bete-Mousse zu großartigem Brot genossen, eigenhändig den Frühling eingerollt und sind wie die Bienen um die Süßwein-Schatzkiste geschwirrt. » Weiterlesen…

Meet me and my book on Heritage Radio!

I’m thrilled and proud to report that Linda Pelaccio, the mind behind the Taste of the Past show on Heritage Radio did an interview with me and it’s on air! You can listen to us discussing my book Beyond Bratwurst and German food history now, anywhere, anytime – it’s just a click away. » Weiterlesen…

A new kid on the block: Beyond Bratwurst, my history of food in Germany

I’m so excited. Praenatal anxiety has made way to pure joy and pride. My new one has entered this world! I’m very happy how all the stuff that was for so long safely folded up inside my writer’s head and soul has actually transformed into a book… Please meet Beyond Bratwurst, my history of food in Germany. Chronologically, from the gruel-eating Stone Age to Berlin’s Markthalle Neun today.
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